Newly installed phone will not tone dial.Answering machine has weak outgoing message.Answering machine does not complete cycle.Answering machine picks up then hangs up.Answering machine delays after playing OGM.Telephone interference from local radio station.Phone jack or extension installation or repair.Web resources for telephone information.Repairing Acoustic Research (AR) Speakers.Comments on electrostatic headphone operation and repair.Electrostatic Loudspeakers and Headphones.Some sources for loudspeaker repair parts and services.Electrical causes for loudspeaker damage.Turntable tracking and skating force adjustment.Wow, flutter, and rumble in a turntable.Turntable runs slow or fast after being moved.Annoying tick every 30 seconds or so from audio output.Sudden increase in flutter on tape decks or Walkmen.General tape speed problems - slow, fast, or dead.Walkman plays both sides of tape at once.Autoreverse audio not correct for either or both directions.

Cassette or tape playback - one channel dead.Walkman/Discman power or sound intermittent.